Thursday, 28 February 2013


Buffs are a great thing. They help boost our production and they add colour to our islands!

But here's a few things you may or may not know about buffing:

1 - When a building is being upgraded it's production STOPS. This means if you buff it... nothing will happen and your kind gesture will go to waste...

2 - When a building is sleeping or is lacking a settler to operate it, the same thing as above will happen. If the production is stopped the buff will not boost anything...

3 - When you are buffed by someone the buff lasts time and a half more. This means a Solid Sandwich runs for 3h, instead of the usual two - and a Basket runs for 9 hours instead of the usual 6h. Good huh?!

4 - Most of us are a bit peculiar about our buffing. This is because our production lines are tailored in a specific way. This means that you should always try and check with someone before you actually buff them. They will be able to tell you, better than anyone else, what they need help the most with.

5 - If you're buffing something that has various buildings producing, buff those of a higher level. Remember, if they are higher level, the buff will boost more!

6 - If you want you can try and setup a buffing partner. Someone that will buff you regularly in exchange of you doing the same for them. I will try and setup a post for this matter here in the Guild Blog so that everyone knows who is helping who. As soon as a buffing team has been set we can simply add it so all know that those people are pretty much sorted.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Buildings Ratio

Since the number of building licenses we can have is limited, it is good if we can make the best of whatever buildings we have.

In order to do this we need to consider several things:

1 - What type of buildings we need the most
2 - How many buildings within a production line we need to have (ie, building ratios)
3 - What resources do we need to build them
4 - Where should they be placed - and at what distance from storehouses and mining resources

I cannot answer the first question because that depends on what you want to do with the game! But, if you go adventuring a lot, you will need weaponsmiths and smelters and all the bread related buildings and brew!
(and perhaps a few horses and bows on the side...)

The second point is the one that I want to answer here.

For that click on the link below:

This link takes you to a page which tells you that, for instance to have a successful brewery (without ever running out of wheat and water...) you need:

2 farms
1 water well
1 brewery

This is the ratio that you need. And if you level everything at the same time you will never incur in the risk of running out of wheat or water.

But, if your brewery is levelled three, should the well be level three as well? Seems like a waste of resources since wells, unlike farms, will collapse after they run out of resources and will have to be built again (and you've lost all those tools that you used for the upgrades...)

Well, wells are cheap, so you can probably put 3 level one wells, instead of 1 level three well... it's as simple as that. Level up your farms and place more wells (or get a watermill... which will be worth levelling up also).

The next thing you will have to consider is the placement of the farms and brewery in relation to the storehouse. Because, if your farms are too far away and the brewery is too close, it might still run out of wheat.

So you need to look at the placement and the production times.

But that's for the next post - which will have some links to some youtube videos that can help you with this!

Hope you are all well!

On Trading

The first thing you need to know about trading is that you have something called a Trade Calculator!

Here is the link for it:

(our server is Newfoundland, so make sure you select the correct one from the top of the page)

The second suggestion is: you do not need to trade goods into gold coins and then use those gold coins to buy the goods you really need...

You can simply swap one thing for another.

So, instead of selling marble to get bronze swords, perhaps you can simply sell the marble directly for the bronze swords.

There are several advantages to this. First it's a much easier transaction. Second, it is only one transaction.... so less waiting time, hopefully! 

And, to do this you're going to use the Trade Calculator, right?

Only you should be careful in the way you use it! And I say this because the Trade Calculator is not totally reliable...

Whenever you convert one resource into another one, directly, it gives you result which is different than if you'd sell the first resource for gold coins and then used them to buy the second.

Or, in other words:

Always convert the resource you want into gold coins (I use that as a base). Then take that amount of gold coins and see how much of the second resource that corresponds. And use that value to make the trade.

I'll give you an example:

Let us say we're trying to swap 500 marble for bronze swords.
If I use the trade calculator directly, it tells me that:

500 marble corresponds (on average) to 704 bronze swords

But if I convert marble to gold coins, it says:

500 marble corresponds (on average) to 12 gold coins
and that
12 gold coins corresponds (on average) to 454 bronze swords

So here the Trade Calculator is giving us a result for direct trading which is higher than it should be, since gold coins are the basis of all trading within Settlers Online.

Of course, you are free to do as you will. But, more than anything, I just wanted to call your attention to the limitations of some of the tools that we have at our disposal.

Happy trading!

PS - Any questions, doubts or suggestions, please feel free to post or message me on game chat.


Hi everybody,

I've been wanting to do this thing of creating a blog for the guild for a long time now. So... here it is!

The main purpose for this (for me at least) is to have a space where we can all share our knowledge and our questions for the benefit of all.

Since we have such a wide range of people with such a wide range of levels also, I think there is room for a beneficial exchange of information.

This place is open to all. So, if you have questions or suggestions for the guild, please post them here, I will do my best to reply to them.

As it stands I will create a section called Noob Tips which will be the place where all sorts of information in regards to playing this game will be kept.

I hope this will be useful to you!
