Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Hi everybody,

I've been wanting to do this thing of creating a blog for the guild for a long time now. So... here it is!

The main purpose for this (for me at least) is to have a space where we can all share our knowledge and our questions for the benefit of all.

Since we have such a wide range of people with such a wide range of levels also, I think there is room for a beneficial exchange of information.

This place is open to all. So, if you have questions or suggestions for the guild, please post them here, I will do my best to reply to them.

As it stands I will create a section called Noob Tips which will be the place where all sorts of information in regards to playing this game will be kept.

I hope this will be useful to you!



Unknown said...

Hello Nim, and fellow Warriors! Fantastic idea, I shall be coming by often to keep up to date and on top of the game!xx

Nimur said...

Thanks Willow! Any and all contributions are welcome!

Nimur said...

One of the ideas about these posts is to help people relatively new to the game to level up faster and more efficiently. My intention at least is to create a kind of ongoing dialogue between all players, not just the most experienced ones with the less experienced ones. By sharing knowledge we will all benefit and make the Guild stronger!

Curly said...

Impressive blog, hope to join the team soon.