Sunday, 30 June 2013


Hello everyone,

Lately there has been a lot of talk about what to pick, what to do and what not to do with the books we've been building in regards to the Geologists Skill Tree. As such I have decided to do a brief post, mostly describing what I am doing (and why) in hopes to make matters a bit clearer. I am also going to point out a few things that have since come to light.

The first thing I would like to say is this: take your time selecting the skills. Read what bonuses they give you and plan ahead. Planning ahead is key in this game - if you want to develop faster.

The second thing is directly related to the first: if you make a mistake and want to go back you only have two choices - either get HALF of the books back for free. OR PAY GEMS to get the books back. And yes, the more books you have assigned... the more gems you will pay...

The third thing is directly related to the previous two: after you have PRODUCED 10 books (of each type respectively, so after 10 manuscript, 10 tome and 10 codex) the price for each book type will INCREASE. This means after producing 10 Manuscript the price for Manuscript INCREASES. After producing 10 Tome, the price for Tome INCREASES. And after producing 10 Codex, the price for Codex INCREASES.
And there are SEVEN INCREASES to be had!

Click HERE if you want to know more about these Book Costs!

You may think this is not a problem at first but, trust me, after the Geologists Skill Trees we will have the Explorers Skill Tree, the Generals Skill Tree and the Buildings Skill Tree! We will be producing books for years to come! So the costs WILL amount to A LOT in the long run.

And, as such, it is important that you decide a bit now just HOW MUCH are you going to level up your Geologist.

My current plan is to level ONE Geologist all the way up (or close). And have my SECOND one only half levelled. In this way I will have one to do high end stuff (Gold and Iron perhaps), and another to do Copper and Marble.

With this you can now see pretty much what I am going to do. Only TWO Geologists (normal ones at that) - and ONLY focusing on COPPER, MARBLE, IRON and GOLD.

This because I prefer to trade for stone rather than produce it (and save licenses there). This because I think Coal mines are a pain... and much rather have Coking Plants that require ZERO time spent taking care of them...

Now, even with these constraints, what to pick?!

Well, Nedrakus (thanks Ned!) pointed out something very important and that had completely skipped my notice:

If you pick an ability of the type Two Deposits In One, whenever this ability becomes active, it will disable another which is Find Larger Deposits (Natural "Deposit Name" Vein).

For clarity I will give an example:
Let us imagine you put some books into Finding Two Marble Deposits In One (8%, 16% and 24%).
But you are also interested in having Larger Marble Deposits (Natural Marble Vein). Perhaps even to it's maximum percentage (which is 24% larger deposit).

Now, you are going to send you Geologist out for marble as there are a few deposits that have ran out on your map.

And you get lucky - you find two deposits at the same time.

Only there's a problem with that - they ARE NOT LARGER DEPOSITS! One ability cancels the other!

Since I am much more interested in having LARGER deposits - which will last longer and mean fewer searches anyway - I have skipped entirely the ability of finding Two Deposits In One altogether. Not just for Marble but for everything else.

This is just me of course - you will have to pick something that will suit best your playing style. In any case, I only wish to remind you again that, if you choose to go back and restart the Skill Tree... you will either have to pay Gems for it  or you will have to lose some books that took a lot of time to be produced.

Click HERE if you want to see the full specs for the Geologists Skill Tree.

Hope this helps you decide what's best for you and your island productions!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Guild Quests INFO


Perhaps some of use are still not very clear about what the whole Guild Quest thing is and what it implies both for us individually as players, but also for the whole of the guild. As such, I did a bit of research online and found this:

(quote begins)
DAILY GUILD QUESTS MODIFICATIONS• The new version of daily guild quests is available for all guilds that have more than 10 members• A new resource has been added to the game: guild coins• You can gather guild coins by completing daily guild quests (sub- and main-tasks)• Daily guild quests are split into different groups to match the level of the player: 10-18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-45 and 45-50• The number of members in your guild will affect which guild quests you will receive. The level ranges are: 10-20, 21-35, 36-55 and 56-100 members• The amount of guild coins received after finishing a quest(s) depends on the player level and guild size• You can spend your guild coins to get new productivity buffs, refill buffs, adventure and a master geologist
(quote ends)

(note: the master geologist is no longer available from the merchants - but it may well be once again in the near future!)

(you can read the full post here)

The first thing we can say is that Guild Quests are split into 5 difficulty levels:
1- players levels 10-18
2- players levels 19-25
3- players levels 26-35
4- players levels 36-45
5- players levels 45-50

Naturally, the higher the level the harder will the Guild Quest be.

Currently we are 67 members strong. Which means we are on the 56-100 members tier for guild quests. This means our quests may be a bit harder (because we are quite a few...) but the rewards are also greater.

Now, we have
1 player for 10-18
4 players for 19-25
23 players for 26-35
37 players for 36-45
2 players for 45-50

The fact that guild quests are separated in this way has a peculiar consequence: I know what the guild quest is for my difficulty level - but i do not what the guild quest is for OTHER difficulty levels.

In my opinion, not knowing this, makes it harder for us (the admin) to be able to help you more efficiently.

For this reason, I have added a new page on the GQ log so that we can record what each of the Guild Quests entail for each level.

This will make clear to all of us what each and everyone is targetted to do and, as such, make it easier for us to support one another in doing them.

Here is the link for the Guild Quest List tab

I am entering the info for level 4, Oldboot is entering for level 5 and Marcstx is entering for level 3. If you have level 1 or 2 difficulty guild quests, please consider in taking a moment and updating this tab. It will benefit you and all of us! Thanks!

As we saw above, the fact that we have 37 people on level 4 difficulty means more than half of our guild will be doing hard guild quests. The key to this, in my view, is not to ignore the quests but rather to solve them through mutual help. Cooperation is one of the key ideas for a guild to work well. And, as such, once again, we ask for cooperation. Whatever your level, experience or even native tongue, please chat with us should you require help in doing your guild quest (or any other quest for that matter).

Guild quests can be annoying if we are alone doing them - but they can be fun if we pool our resources and wits together to complete them. Don't see them as a chore: see them as an opportunity to interact, haven fun and perhaps learn something new in the process.

That's it!
Happy Settlering!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

A Few Tips on the Science System

Hello everyone!

Well, the new game feature has just been implemented today and since this is so new and there's likely to be little out there discussing it already. As such I have decided to write up a few things that you may find useful to consider.

The first thing to be said is that the most important building of this whole bookmaking chain is the Bookbinder. This is the building that will allow you to build the Manuscript, Tome and Codex. These can already be assigned to our Geologists but, in later stages, will also be able to be assigned to Explorers, Generals and Production Buildings.

The Bookbinder takes lots of time to build books. At level 3 it takes 20h to build a Manuscript, 24h to build a Tome and 28h to build a Codex.
Up to level 3 the Bookbinder is cheap to level up - it's after level 3 that you start using gold, followed by granite (and lots of both!).

So, first advice is: if you're going to start building books, level the Bookbinder up to 3 if you can, since it will pay itself off...

Also, since the Bookbinder's times are FIXED, you can pretty much place it anywhere on the map - it doesn't need to be close to a storehouse.

Another note in regards to the books is: you will not be able to purchase them from the TO. Each player will have to build their own books...

The paper chain uses the 3 types of wood (pine, hardwood and exotic) PLUS water to make the paper. This means you will need to have surplus for these in order to run your chain effectively - so please account for that.

The nibs chain uses 3 types of ores (copper, iron and titanium) PLUS COAL to make the nibs. So... make sure you are producing enough coal for this! It will use up a lot!

Also, and because of this, it is also to expect that - at least for a while - the prices of pine logs, hardwood logs, exotic wood logs, copper ore, iron ore, titanium ore, water and coal, to rise somewhat. And, because their demand will continue for a while, perhaps their prices will remain somewhat higher than they are now. So, if you have excess of any of these, you may want to consider put up a few trades... ;)

The next tip, as Ned wisely pointed out, is: all paper and nibs buildings AT LEVEL 1 already produce enough materials for you to more or less build a book of each type a day.

But we already saw that we will only be able to produce (give or take...) ONE BOOK a day with the level 3 Bookbinder.

So what does this mean?

This means that you may not want to invest heavily on this chain right now and simply generate enough raw materials to build your daily book.
You may want to invest on this chain and build up lots of stock for re-sale. I suspect some high level players will not bother building papermills and nibsmiths (as their islands are full of high level buildings already, thus making space a premium) and, as such, there will always be a (perhaps small?) market for the re-sale of these goods.

Right now (today, 13th of June 2013) the market is crazy because no one really knows how much these new goods are really worth.

In my opinion they aren't worth a lot - the overinflated prices we're seeing at simply the direct result of novelty... they will wear down - big time.

So if you want to make a quick buck, today (and perhaps the next few) is the day...

The other thing you may want to do is to start stocking up Manuscripts. I'll say it again: you won't be able to trade books in the Trade Office (just the raw materials)
you will need to use 1 Manuscript to build a Tome
you will need to use 1 Tome to build a Codex

In my opinion it is pointless to build the Codex chain right now. It is VERY expensive (lots of granite from the start!).

Best to stick with the Manuscript one (I have mine levelled at 3 but that's because I want to see if I can trade some of the raw materials on TO) AND MAYBE the Tome chain.
For the Tome chain I left both paper and nib buildings at level 1 - and I think I will let them stay that way. Unbuffed even, since I won't be making that many Tomes from the start anyway (need to build Manuscripts first, remember?). Because of this I will have surplus of intermediate paper and nibs and, as such, will be able to trade some of these goods on TO. Besides to level the Tome chain you need a lot of gold coins from the start...

The next thing I want to say (and this is pure speculation as I write this so please don't take it as gospel) is that this is the way things are NOW.

And I think they are likely to change.


Well, the first thing is something we will be getting soon as a present: the Bookbinder Glue. This will accelerate the book production.

So, I suspect we will be seeing such buffs for sale at the Merchant's quite soon... probably for gems (remember we got a weekly increase? well, probably because we're going to have nice new things to spend them on...)

The second thing is more long term.

Remember that at a later stage we will be able to assign books to production buildings, right?
So, maybe the Bookbinder will be one such case. Which means that assigning books to it may reduced book building time, less usage of input resources, increased output, more than one book at a time production, etc.

We don't know exactly how things will evolve - but we can try and foresee a few scenarios and pick a strategy for ourselves.

Main thing is: be ready to adapt when things change making your strategy not as efficient!

Anyway, I hope you have found these notes interesting and useful.

Feel free to comment, make suggestions or ask questions on chat/email. I'll try and post here the new content emerging from said suggestions, comments and chats!

Happy Settlering!