Thursday, 19 September 2013

A Few Tips On The HALLOWEEN EVENT 2013!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we circulated an email throughout the guild with some info about the upcoming Halloween event. After it was sent I started thinking a bit more about it and decided some of the stuff said was probably not the best advice so I am posting a revised version of that email here so that I can correct that.

The corrections pertain to what was said about the Increased Storehouse and Silos as purchases from the Event Tab at the Merchants.

Click HERE for the official post about HALLOWEEN EVENT.

According to the test server the Halloween event will be somewhat similar to the last event (the one with the balloons). This time we will have a giant golem statue on our island between sectors 4 and 5 (on the little islet further up) that we will need to defeat.

The idea is that we once again convert resources and apply these in order to complete the Golem quests. The resources we will need are: marble, wheat and water. With these we build (respectively) Marbles, Ropes and Buckets of water. These are the applied in 3 stages on the golem, destroying each of its 3 hearts in order. After the last heart is destroyed the golem disappears. And we get some pumpkins.

But a new golem shows up soon after, so... save up some marble, wheat and water for this coming event.
I'm already building some extra wells, just in case.

So you have an idea on what might be needed, resource-wise:

To defeat the golem the FIRST time you will need:
1.5k damage on the Caramel Heart, then 2k damage on the Purple Heart, then 2.5k damage on the Violet Heart

750 marble gets you 25 Marbles – each marble gives 50 damage, so 1250 damage per Marbles Set in total to the Caramel Heart
500 wheat gets you 25 Ropes – each rope, 50 damage, so 1250 in total per Ropes Set to the Purple Heart
1250 water gets you 25 Buckets – each bucket gives 50 damage, so 1250 damage per Buckets Set to the Violet Heart

As soon as you defeat it, the second round will be:
2k damage for Caramel Heart, 3k damage for Purple Heart and 4k damage for Violet Heart.

So you will need to use more and more resources (and provision time!) as each round takes place... (so another tip is to perhaps build some extra buffs now that you might need during Halloween - your Provision House is likely to be busy then!)

The first time you defeat the Golem you get 10 pumpkins. The second time you get 20... so hopefully the rewards will also increase as we defeat the Golem time and again.

So, remember each resource you build will be tailored for each heart colour... so don’t build too much – or too little!

Again this seems to be a guild wide effort. The more golems we are able to defeat, the closer we'll get to completion of the event and get 100 extra pumpkins.

There is a quest bar displaying our progression and I can tell you that on the test server, after having build some pumpkin fields and defeated the Golem twice I had done one third of it (34 out of 100). So I'm thinking we may have to defeat the Golem some 5 or 6 times in total.

Bear in mind that these numbers may change for the actual event here in Newfoundland Server.

Another type of quests involves (like the easter eggs hunt) to find and click on 15 collectibles on the map. Banners, scarecrows, bushes. These will be scattered RANDOMLY throughout our islands. I think they are reset every day (even if you do not complete these quests) and a while after (1 or 2h) if you have managed to find all the collectibles. This seems to be an ongoing integral part of the game. Check HERE for more details on this.

The Pumpkin Fields are purchased at the Merchant’s. There are 3 types of pumpkin fields and you will only be able to get 3 of each.
Level I – yield 45 pumpkins and each pumpkin takes 8h to produce!
Level II – yield 80 pumpkins and the cycle lasts 4h
Level III – yield 100 pumpkins and the cycle takes only 1h.

Each of these cost more or less as much as building the three variations of Wheatfields. So the price is okay.

You can buff them of course. Remember if you only buff at the very end of the cycle you still get the buffing result.

A tip is to perhaps use 3x and 4x buffs ONLY on the Level III pumpkin fields – as you will yield a lot more pumpkins as a result. For the others I will probably simply use solid sandwiches close to when the cycle is ending.

Here is the list of items that I think are important to try and obtain during this event:
Grim-Reaper General 1x
Cost: 1560 pumpkins
Not as good as the Veteran General but, with it you will be able to do a lot more than with just normal generals. Also, if you have a Vet, you can still profit from having one of these as they can be quite handy for more complex blocks in higher adventures. I’m going to try and get one if I can.


If Pumpkins become as valuable as Easter Eggs, we're talking at about 15, maybe 20 gold coins PER Pumpkin. what does this mean in regards to the items sold in the shop?

This means a Silo, Village House or Increased Storehouse (600 Pumpkins each) will in fact cost 9 000/2 000 gold coins!

A Silo can usually be found on the TO for about 3 500/4 000 gold coins or less. So for the price of 1 Pumpkin purchased silo you can get THREE at the TO!

Why are silos important? Well,if you level a silo to the same level of your farm – and keep it at the same distance from the wheatfield and storehouse, the silo will replenish the wheatfield without ever letting it deplete.

Gives 1 extra settler per ever 2 hours. Not a very good buy in my opinion... not sure if they're worth getting for 12k coin...

This means you have 3 times the space for each level you upgrade it (which means you will still have to spend resources upgrading it, yes). Even though storehouses are always handy as well all know (with more storehouses we are likely to improve our production times and, therefore, improve our production) 12k gold coins still seems a bit of a steep price.
In my case, I could simply buy 3 Noble Deeds of TO and release 3 building licenses and build 3 storehouses instead. 3 Noble Deeds would cost me about 1 500 gold coins of TO. So, a lot cheaper than actually getting the Special Storehouse in exchange for Pumpkins...
To me the special storehouse may only be a viable option if one was pretty much out of space on the island.
Since that is far from being my situation, for me it would actually be beneficial to have MORE storehouses scattered around, rather than less (improving travel times for production buildings).

IN FACT, I'm not even sure getting the Grim-Reaper General compensates at all. At 1560 Pumpkins, this roughly translates into 31 200 gold coins. That is a lot of gold!
A Grim-Reaper General is nothing more than a Battle-Hardened General. The only difference is in the picture - their specs are exactly the same.

BHG cost 1 250 gems from the Merchants. You can actually buy them on Trade tab for about 12k or 13k gold coins - saving you more than half the Pumkins you'd need to use to get it...

So, we might be better off actually selling the dammned Pumpkins rather than buying anything with them.

Then again, this will all depend on how trading for them will take place - it's a gamble. If Pumpkins are 8 gold coins each or less, the Grim Reaper General might just be worth getting (IF the price per gem stays at 10 gold coins each), if they cost more than that... you're probably better off selling them and getting a BHG through Trade

Hope this helps!

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