Sunday 1 December 2013

Copper Smelters, Toolmakers and Bronze Weaponsmiths

Hey peeps,

Here is my current setup for my 5 Copper Smelters, 3 Toolmakers and 3 Bronze Weaponsmiths.

As you can see this setup isn't perfectly balanced as there is one Copper Smelter missing. In it's place there is a Stone Mason that will be in the near future destroyed to give room to said Copper Smelter. Still it is a setup that works quite well in this transition shape since i keep some of the Copper Smelters buffed once a day or so - I find it is enough to keep it running smoothly.

Here's a list of things you may want to have a look at:
1 - Each Copper Smelter is positioned in exactly the same slot relative to its Storehouse as are the Toolmakers and Bronze Weaponsmiths to theirs.
2 - I am upgrading one Copper Smelter and one Toolmaker at the same time- as to minimize unbalancing the production too much (one less consuming, one less producing)
3 - I am using only the fast slots in these Storehouses (6secs and 8secs slots) since I want these specific production buildings to produce as much as possible (I use a lot of Tools and Bronze Swords and I do not want to have loads of Toolmakers and Bronze Weaponsmiths - just a few but at level 5, running buffed as much as possible).
4 - I am using this area behind the Mayor's House to do this since it is not a good area to place Farms and Silos. It is also an area not needed for Wood production. Farms and Wood production are the two things that require the biggest sprawls in area in order to have good production values.
5 - The whole setup is marked with roads. In fact my whole island is "gridded". I did this because I wanted to know where best to place things. So, you can use roads to create the places where you intend to place the buildings before you put them there. In this way you can see beforehand if you do actually have the room for everything you had planned or not, without wasting resources moving things there only to find out your setup doesn't have enough room.

I will try to post more stuff like this in the near future.

Happy Settlering!

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