Friday, 29 November 2013

Another Tip About Cauldron Hunting

Hey peeps,

Thanks to Rinswinth, if you wish to gather twice the amount (if it's a two player adventure) or triple the amount (if it's a 3 player adv) of cauldrons now you can!

The idea is very simple: all payers click on the same cauldron at the same time.

This will send a parcel of loot per player, per cauldron.

The tricky bit then is to time it, right?

Well, not so much... simply send a garrison and use it as a timer! I have found that when the garrison is building, when you reach 100%, you can all click on the cauldron and get extra loot!

To do this, of course, you will have to send a general (you don't need to load up with troops). If you're in a hurry you best send your fast general! In any case do remember to check first if the adv does have some cauldrons in there...

A simpler way to do it (thanks again for this one Rins!) is to simply go on Global chat tab and write "go" or "now" there - as all players will see it and they can pick their cauldrons at the same time ;)

I have tried it and it works - just takes a bit more patience and time if you're really keen on going for those caudrons ;)

Happy hunting!

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