Sunday, 26 January 2014

Outstanding Setups! Hardwood Production! (s7)


Been wanting to post this setup for a while now but it was Gobbokin's questions that finally made me do it ;)

Wood production is a not very profitable production as it were. And if it's not placed properly then... it's even worse.

Placing the buildings efficiently close to both Storehouses and Tree Deposits is a simple way to ensure you not only have better production - but that you need less buildings. As you can probably guess, those spare licenses can be better used somewhere else.

I don't have the setup I am posting here because I have chosen to have as few Hardwood Forresters and Cutters as much as possible. As such this first picture shows only how the buildings should be placed relative to the Storehouse (look at the roads and the grid they form as guidance):

Here's the version without any buildings. This is the grid you need to have for the setup I will present below.

Okay. Now the diagram of how to place the buildings:

Okay a couple of options here. I haven't tested them so I will explain what I think will work - and what you should do in case you find out it doesn't.

Setup A - 4 CUTTERS
Place 3 Cutters in the ORANGE squares. Place the 4th Cutter on the YELLOW square. Place a 5th Forrester where the LIGHT BLUE square is. Leave it running. If after a few hours (or days) you start seeing that trees are missing, never really being replaced try the next setup.

Setup B - 4 CUTTERS
Place 3 Cutters in the ORANGE squares. Place the 4th Cutter on the LIGHT BLUE square. Place a 5th Forrester where the PURPLE square is. With a Forrester the Hardwood production should be balanced. Even if the Economy Overview may sometimes show the replanting of trees as being negative you should never really be out of trees, as they will be replanted constantly.

Setup C - 5 CUTTERS
Place 3 Cutters in the ORANGE squares. Place the 4th Cutter on the LIGHT BLUE square. Place a 5th Forrester where the PURPLE square is. Place a 5th Cutter on the YELLOW square. Leave it running. If after a few hours (or days) you start seeing that trees are missing, place another Forrester directly below the bottom-most ORANGE square shown on the diagram or right of the right-most GREEN square in line with the Storehouse. Or anywhere else really. Just add another Forrester and you should be fine. ;)

Anyway, with this setup chances are you won't need as many Forresters and Cutters as you are using now. If you still aren't producing enough Hardwood Logs, consider leveling Cutters and Forresters rather than building more.

Leveling up buildings is really one of the keys to save licenses (that can be then used in other things).

Hope this helps!

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