Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Few Tips On Collectibles

(thanks to Turboarrow for this one!)

Hey everyone,

Perhaps you have noticed that some adventures give you an extra quest to find cauldrons on the map.

So what about those useless adventures you have lying about in your star menu, that you're never gonna use and have probably thought more than once to get rid off?!

Well, this is your chance to use all those Sons Of The Veld and Secluded Experiments!

Here's what you need to do:

1 - Just start the adventure as normal.
2 - Go into the adventure island (no army is required, simply visit)
3 - Check to see if you have a cauldrons quest. If you do INVITE SOMEONE - they will can help you find them and get the loot as well. Sons Of The Veld is a 2 player (so you can invite one person). Secluded Experiments is a 3 player (so you can invite 2 people).
4 - Find the cauldrons!
5 - After you have found them all (you can check the progression bar in the quest book) you can simply return to the home island.
6 - Cancel the adventure!
7 - Check your email for the loot! The cauldron loot will be sent to you as an email - one email per cauldron found on the adventure island (it doesn't matter who finds them first - both will get the loot for the cauldrons found)

So, instead of throwing away these adventures you're never going to do, you can simply use them to mine for cauldrons! ;)

Cauldrons are between 12 and 18 coins now so, even if you get a couple... it's more than worth the adventure trading value!
(this price is liable to decrease in the future BUT I think it will still be worth it to mine for cauldrons as the prices for these adventures are quite cheap - and are likely to remain that way...)

Also, if you are having trouble finding collectibles on your island... here's a few ideas:

1 - Zoom in and move through your island using the arrow keys to shift the screen whilst using the mouse pointer to search. You're more likely to go through things thoroughly this way instead of using the click-and-drag mode to move around.
2- If you have few buildings zooming out and carefully scanning the island may be an easy way to find that missing collectible.
3 - Take a break and rest your eyes!
4 - If you first scanned the island horizontally, now scan it vertically - or vice-versa. If you change the way you are looking for things you'll have a fresher look.
5 - Ask someone on chat to help! Maybe they are looking as well and you can swap!
6 - It's okay if you miss one or two collectibles... there will be more in a few hours!

Happy hunting!

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