Monday, 4 March 2013


We've been seeing a lot of people asking about what they should and should not trade, either inside or outside the guild.

The first thing we would like you to know is that you are free to trade wherever you want!

(but, having said that, and because we are in this guild together, it is important that the deals made inside the guild are agreed upon by both parts and fair)

As you know there are 4 tabs of resources whenever you click on one of your storehouses or mayor's house:

(and Military, but that's just for your troops, sure they are a resource but... contrary to the other four, you cannot build anything with them... except craters of course... :p)

Each of these more or less map out our development as players.

We all remember in the early stages of the game how stone and pinewood planks were so needed! Then, as we levelled up, it was marble and hardwood planks that became important. Then gold coins and marble. And, finally, granite and exotic wood planks.

These are the basic building blocks of your levelling your production lines.

And, if you remember correctly, at each stage, the levelling of the buildings became more difficult!
And if marble and hardwood were hard to come by in the beginning, gold coins didn't became much easier (at least for me!) and with granite and exotic wood planks... well, you can't even produce them in your island!...
Only through adventures and treasure searches, by solving quests (and getting the rewards) or downright trading can we hope to get our hands on these precious and crucial resources.

Which means that whatever you get that will end up on your EXPERT tab you WILL need sometime in the future. It also means it's EXPENSIVE and hard to come by.

Oldboot is of the opinion that what gets on the Expert tab should stay there until the time to be used. Of course, what you decide to do with your goods is your decision and your decision alone. More than anything we want you to have as much information as possible in order to make a decision you won't regret afterwards.

If you're tempted to trade stuff in your Expert page just because you are desperate of one resource or another, simply ask around first - there might be people that can help you, with you keeping the resources you don't want to get rid off anyway.

And I'll tell you another thing. Building licenses are limited, right? It follows then that it is to our best interest to have each of the buildings we own, that produce resources, generate as much as possible. That means: as high levelled as possible, as close to the storehouse as production line efficiency permits and buffed.

Buffs are easy to do, even if sometimes hard to come by. Having the production line levelled and efficient? Also time consuming and difficult - but you can do it if you look around, chat to people, investigate. But the levelling up can only happen if you have the resources there. And, as said before, these are rarer (and more expensive) than the rest.

I'll give you an example. A few days ago one of my marble masons upgraded to level 5 (max level of upgrading). It cost 200 exotic wood planks and 600 granite (if memory serves...) and the upgrade took 7 days to complete during which its production was stopped.
But what about now?
Now, a level 5 marble mason with a production time of roughly 10 minutes generates 5 marble at each cycle. Buffed it produces twice as much. 10 Marble every 10 minutes. That's 60 marble per hour. Which translates into about 1200 marble per day (since I can't keep it buffed all the time). Of course, in order to do this,  you also have to keep your Geologist going out to find new deposits because they will be exhausted a lot faster.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, it pays off to level up your buildings. And it also pays off to (at the very least) keep a portion of the Expert resources you will obtain throughout the game.

If you want to trade for it, please do - only be mindful of your deals, do some research, look at the market and consider things well so that, whatever your choice, it will be a well thought through one.

Good luck in your trading!

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